Non-rear ported Speakers

First, I have read that front ported speakers are not sonically viable. Any credence to that minority opinion? 
Second, I am finding them enjoyable in my near-near field garage system. Small Ushers and Monitor Bronze 2. 
Looking to add a third under $800, new or used. Any suggestions? Looking strongly at the Triangle Bro3. Sealed options are fine.
Mishmash of integrated amplification. Vintage Pioneer A-51. Various class A/B, D, T. Garage is experiment city.
Near-near field about 3 feet. I brush my teeth with the music down here.

A vote here for front ports. Rear ports need too much wall setback. And full enclosures, even with 22Hz bass, just sound boxy. Again, your results may vary, but those are mine.
IF ports, front ports only to retain directionality of bass and those bass note's overtones.

IF subwoofers, a small stereo pair, same reason, and sub self powered, wired so that the bass chores are eliminated from both the main amp and main speakers
My last two speakers have been front ported. Original Aerial 6's and now my current Aerial 5T's. Both were easy to place in a small apartment.
I have a set of those Wharfedale 225’s with the slot port on the bottom. You can literally set the bass in the room by how close they are to the wall behind them - the closer they are too the wall, the more bass you get. I like them.

Bass rolls around things, which is why any speaker is bass reinforced by walls regardless of port locations (I was in Portland ME last week...coincidence?)...when using a pair of old KEF front ported "uni-Qs" for mixing  they would blow little puffs of air into my face...known as  NEWS (Nearfield Eye Watering Syndrome). My current Heresy IIIs are un-ported and sound great with 2 un-ported subs, although the portholes in the room need to be tightly shut in a storm.