Nordost Quattro Fil is still good

Close to a year ago I bought a turntable and changed my entire loom to Nordost Heimdall. Before, I was using Red Dawn rev. 2 SC and Quattro Fil XLR from my DAC to amp. Big improvement on overall sound, especially up top, in the treble region.

Fast forward to yesterday. I had the Quattro Fil collecting dust so I purchased some WBT 0152cu RCA plugs and converted them to RCA so I could use them with my new headphone amp. They are significantly stiffer than the Heimdalls so I swapped them. Heimdall on headphone amp and QF on phono stage.

I must say I was pleasantly impressed by what I heard. I don't recall hearing that big a difference between Heimdall XLR and the QF XLR, but on RCA's, the QF were better.

I spun a few albums, but Rush-Hemispheres really stands out. I'd never heard the low end so clear. The QF dug a little deeper, but also separated bass drum/tom tom whacks and the bass line. Compared to the QF, the Heimdall's sounded a bit congested in the bass region. The treble was about the same with just a bit more air with the QF.

Overall, the QF's sounded more refined. I hope they retain this character after a few more hours of break in.

Regarding the plugs, the WBT0152cu are full metal body unlike the WBT0110cu Nordost uses. Maybe cleaning the connectors also contributed to the better sound of the QF.
When I compared the QF with Heimdall XLR, I don't recall hearing too much of a difference, but it was on my DAC. Maybe the higher output voltage plus stronger output devices minimized the differences.

That's why I didn't think twice about switching between the two. But after that first listen, I was surprised. It may also be the phono stage is more sensitive to cables.

Then again, since I compared the two in XLR form I had made a couple changes. New listening room, speaker cable, and capacitor upgrade for the power conditioner. As the saying goes...everything matters.
I still use the QF and find it still to be a superb cable. Newer is not necessarily better. Raw materials have increased in price considerably since QF days so you may not be getting the same value for the same price.

You should really give the Nordost Series2 a try. Quite different than the original Norse series. Note the Tyr2 has been added to the Norse Series. Much warmer and more 'liquid' sounding than the originals.
I agree that Norse 2 is better than the original but amazingly Valhallas are still around as reference cable even after a decade.
Valhallas are still around as a reference cable because they still ARE a reference cable. It was a breakthrough design that has stood the test of time. Breakthrough designs in cable are very few and far between. Same for amps, pre's, less so for DAC's and speakers (e.g., magico, YG, etc.)in my opinion.
