Nordost repair

Anyone know if Nordost will do repairs on used, non dealer/private sale cable?

I'm awaiting an email response from them, perhaps someone has insight on what Nordost will/will not do?

I have a feeling my 9 year run with a  FREY II phono cable purchased for 1/3 of list is about to get expensive.

I'm hoping repair cost will make sense to do IF, possible. 



Interesting. And you reached out to them using their web form, correct?

I just searched my inbox as I remembered inquiring about cutting a 2m pair of XLRs into 2 1m pairs. This was last June. I see they replied the same day. The answer was no but that’s not the point here. Glad you got your cables fixed but nit thrilled to see the non-existence of custom support in your case.



"Interesting. And you reached out to them using their web form, correct?"

Yes, I reached out thru their "contact us" page. I'll just chalk it to "stuff happens."

I guess if I look at the big picture-purchased used private, 1/4 of list, almost 10 years of use, I can't expect company support like I purchased it full MSRP from a dealer.

Nordost is still my personal choice for cable. I just can't justify paying list for their products. 

Yep. Let’s hope it’s an anomaly. 

As to the quality of cables, agreed. I’m a big fan of nordost cables. My Tyr 2 XLRs are the best sounding interconnects I ever heard on my system. Just hope they don’t break. Lol

" Just hope they don’t break. Lol"


I'm not a DIY guy, but will attempt to repair things if it appears not too involved.

Since Nordost uses solid core wire, I would think it would be straight forward, as long as you use a proper stripping tool and decent soldering iron/tip.

A little nerve wracking since I used a bicycle cable stripper, and care is necessary to avoid chopping off the P/N wires which are individually insulated.

Speaker wire however, looks like  more advanced DIY skills/tools which I lack.

Current Tyr2 pricing-OUCH!  I'd use that level if I had $20K+ amp. 

I have a yes they do/no they don't thing with cable. Sat thru many Nordost demos and my hearing doesn't catch some of the stuff others hear once going into the Valhalla/Odin level. That's the stuff  you play with though, once you're in the $50K+ level for your amps/gear.

Tyr 2 interconnects used are decently priced. Speaker cables and power cords though, yeah that hurts. I went el cheapo for my mono block amps with power cords for time being (audience forte f3). But am on a lookout for Tyr 2 or Frey 2 power cords.