thank you Viridian and erik !
Not an AR-3 crossover but right part number
I came across 10 of these crossovers. They say they are Acoustic Research 810150 which I think was on the AR-3A but the capacitor values are incorrect compared to anything I can find on the internet. It has a 100 uF cap, a 24 uF and a 5 uF.
I was thinking of using these in a couple of other speakers I have kicking around. Anyone have an idea of what they were meant for and what the pinout I should expect is ? Am I correct in assuming I should put a 16 ohm pot acoss the terminas labeled VR12 / VR13 and VR22 / VR23 ?
Kind of new to this rebuilding and wondering if I should spend time using these or think about making crossovers from scratch ?
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