Not Thrilled with Vandersteen 2CE Sigs - where is the first place to work on?

Trying to build up the system this year, bought some Vandy 2CE Sigs.  Have the anchors, following instructions for placement, built bass traps and a couple of acoustic panels in my medium-sized but odd-shaped basement listening area - still not thrilled.  Using laptop with Tidal and Dragonfly Red - and some stuff sounds GREAT (Steely Dan, SRV, Beck, Dire Straits, Wilco) - but disappointed in a lot of other stuff.  Some objective opinions on where my issues might lie?  Expectations too high? Hearing the truth of production variations?  Running an NAD C272 at 150WPC and an original 1979 APT Holman Pre Amp.  Not MAC, Bryston, etc - but was expecting more.  Thoughts? Rebuild/recap the APT?  Amp upgrade?  Where might the low-hanging fruit be?

Showing 1 response by raysmtb1

I have a similar problem with the list of music that you presented. A lot of music sounds great and a lot of music is so so. It’s a bummer but I don’t know how much more you can do to fix it. Do you believe in tone controls? You could join rune and Use the equalizer’s and different filters that they offer. That’s pretty much what I do, when there’s something that sounds like crap  I go in and adjust it and listen to the album. I have different settings for different albums so that when I want to listen to some thing I just push the button and it automatically changes the settings. I think that’s the easiest and least expensive way to go do you feel like you’re