NSMT model 100

I have been a musician for 40 years, professional for 25 so I know what every instrument sounds like in the real world and I play 11 instrumerns at a high level, exotic ones like Japanese shakuhachi flute, Turkish saz, Colombian tiple, and I play guitar and sing, I do rock, blues, reggae, calypso, oldies, etc. I know music inside and out and these are the best speakers I have ever heard hands down. I’ve also recorded in the studio and done tons of home recording so I am a recording engineer and with these speakers every instrument sits in the mix perfectly, just the way the engineer recorded it, it’s unreal how accurate they are. And as a musicain and engineer I understand what a mix is better than a non musician -I've mixed many many songs in the last 40 years, and my ears are perfect, I hear what's on the recording the way it was intended to be heard.The soundstage is perfect also, wide and deep. I had the Grand Veenas--awesome speakers and I had the Tekton Double Impact SEs, even better, but they do not copmpare to the 100s. I’ve had them just shy of two months and every time I listen to them I shake my head in awe. They do everything right, I feel they are totally neutral, they do not add or take anything away from the music. I listen to albums I’ve been listening to for 35-40 years, Sabbath, Zep, Floyd, etc, and it’s almost like listening to them for the first time, it’s amazing and astounding. I like my system to sound natural, like real music which is why I hate Krell, Magico, and Wilson, they do not sound natural, they sound cold and analytical which is the opposite of good sound. I could go on and on but I won’t just get them you will not regret it. And if someone thinks these are not amazing speakers they don’t have good ears it’s that simple. These are objectively incredible speakers.
Hi gosta, yea Bolin is about my favorite singer and guitar player, more or less, heavily into him for many years and it annoys because he's so amazing and no one know who he is. Say Bolin and everyone says T Rex-Marc of course. I don't even like T rex. But yeah on these speakers I couldn't believe how clear that solo was when it wasn't on all my other speakers--I've had Magnepans, custom made Focals, the Focal 1037s, Grand Veenas and Double Impacts. And it's funny, as I said, I'm a musician and an engineer and I always wondered what they were thinking on that solo, I would say man he just has too much delay on it, bad production, It wasn't Tommy or the producer it was the speakers. I love the Billy Cobham album with Quadrant 4, great palying. I like his solo stuff best because I'm in love with his voice. Glad to hear there's someone out there that appreciates him. Oh yea, you're 100% right, there are no guitar players alive today that come close to him or the old greats, Gilmour, Blackmore, Howe, May, Rory Gallagher, etc. sadly.
Hi sslide, I think I can hear the solo and the delayed noteas as clear on my system (quested v31110 monitors+svs sb-16 sub/altern. big ATCs) but your description of the NSMT speakers sounds really tempting. I'll look out for them but probably not easy to find in Europe.

Another recording, maybe not very famous but not to miss is the Kevin Ayers -June 1, 1974 live. I often come back to the second side with several great (to me epic) solos of Ollie Halsall and Mike Oldfield.

Yes, you're right. Lots of contributors here sems to know/care more about cables and interconnects than music and musicians...

I know Mike Oldfield but not the other guys, Kevina dn Ollie,  I'll have to look them up. You can probably order them directly from Erol the maker, if I were I'd look into it they are the most amzing speakers ever. And I'm not making any money on their sale, I just want to spread the word about them.