odyssey amp's how do they compare to others

are other amp's just over priced? could most people tell one amp from another if it was covered with a cardboard box?the stratos seem to get rave reveiws.am I just crazy to send more money on other move expensive amps.thanks in advance to everybody this is a great website

Showing 4 responses by jetter

Here is my $.02. I will likely some day end up with a pair of stratos monoblocks. Because the hype intrigues me so much and because several people on audiogon who I think know their business love them. Since I was pretty close to buying a pair I contacted two people who had already sold theirs on audiogon figuring this is a good way to get the other side of the picture. One person said he thought they sounded ordinary in his system and he tried to post a three star evaluation on audioreview and for whatever reason they would not post it. The second said he in general found it equal to other amps in its price range. I have noticed that in reading the audioreview adds an awful lot of them are posted by people who are upgrading from really old midfi receivers/amps. Not a negative comment as I did the same not that long ago. I talked with Klaus once and agree he is refreshingly polite and helpful. I had hoped that they had a demo/loaner to try versus having to use a brand new unit and having to keep it on during its long burn-in and the guilt trip of returning it if not wanting it. I hope that someone here has had some of the great amps out there and this amp and can give a real world comparison. From the audioreview posts its hard to think this is not one great product.
Sorry to ramble.
As an addition to my previous post I would like to clarify that to be honest I cannot remember if the individual said that audioreview "did not" or "would not" post his review if this difference is relevant.
I just read Klaus' response and what I wrote and see why he thinks I was talking about two people with monoblocks who thought they were "ordinary". Well I have to clarify again what I meant to say. I meant to say that I am considering buying the Stratos monoblocks and contacted two people who had sold their Odyssey Stratos, which is to say they were not monoblocks. Now that I have said that I have more to say. First Klaus, 99.9% of us are not out to discredit you or anyone else. Universally you are known as a gentleman, I sure thought so after talking with you and by golly I bet we are also, except those of us who are gentlewomen. That said, we are pretty close to exactly where this started, with no one giving any indication of how the amp compares next to another amp that we might be familiar with. I almost emailed Nikonf to thank him for asking the question yesterday before there were any responses because I have been wondering exactly the same thing. A lot of us live out here in the country (Vermont for me) without a person around with your equipment.
Are you any relation to Santa Claus? If you are please tell him I would like a pair of monoblocks under my tree. Any faceplate finish is fine. I've been good for hours now.
Seasons Best To All