Of all your gear, what piece impresses you most?

I like all my gear, yet the single piece that blows me away the most is my phono preamp.
I'm most impressed by my Grace F8 cart by a bit over the NSM sub. The Grace presents my vinyl in musical ways that surpasses previous carts, from Grado wood-bodies to ZYX. When I read about the setup and integration issues folks have with their subs, I feel lucky to have a sub and manufacturer support that was so easy to place and have a seamless sound with Fostex driven main speakers.
Bel Canto ref1000m monoblock amps because they are everything I could ask for in an amp in a very small and non-obtrusive package. Modern technical innovation applied to home audio at its best.

Also the latest addition, a Pangea power cord, just because of the build quality and heft plus it looks awesome (as power cords tend to go).
My tube amp, because it appears to be alive. Otherwise my modest (priced...bought stuff cheap or used here and there) system doesn't seem to lack anything it might need for musical enjoyment at this point, so I'll change things only out of boredom, curiosity (would a different TT sound better?...hmm), esthetics (I like striped ebony...I want some speakers with striped ebony veneer), failure (a component, not my personal failure, although deafness or sudden death could have an impact and shall be avoided if possible), or everything (except me) falling down a sinkhole...hate those sinkholes.
It's a toss up between my Artisan Fidelity Garrard 401 with upgraded platter and inverted bearing, and my Jeff Rowland Continuum S2 integrated amplifier.
My 10 year old Von Schweikert VR5 HSE speakers. I simply cannot find any flaws in them no matter how many components or cables I change.They give daily satisfaction.
