@chakster you mean the stylus / cantilever is damaged not the cartridge, right? And in your experience how do replacement styluses affect performance on this cartridge? (btw I got this cart on your recommendation from a separate thread so thanks!)
This model, but not this cart to be correct.
Stylus and cantilever is the most important, your cantilever is off and I’m not sure how can you align it, some people on audiogon are crazy about alignment even a new cartridge, but your cartridge cantilever is damaged.
Since it’s not an MC you can replace the stylus assembly yourself, you need a genuine Pickering stylus (very hard to find, and cost as much as the new cartridge or close).
Expert Stylus Company in UK can fix your damaged cartridge, they are specialized in Stanton / Pickering repair.
As I said many times on this forum it make sense to buy ONLY NOS or gentry used cartridges in perfect condition when it comes to those gems from the 70’s.
It seems like the seller rip you off (or, if it was too cheap, now you know why).