Ohm Walsh 2000 vs MMG vs Vandersteen 2ce Sig?

Ohm Walsh 2000 versus Magneplanar MMG versus Vandersteen 2ce Signature II? How does they compare with respect to speed, dynamics, tonality, texture, detail, tranparency, extension and sound stage?
I don't know if you guys know this but, Vandersteen speakers do requires of 100 hours of break-in period. I have the 2CE SIG II and, when I hooked it up for the first time I said, this doesn't sound as good as the demo at the Vandies dealership. Anyway, to make long story short, after 100 hours of usage, the 2CE Sig II became somewhat alive, the staging, transparecy, the clarity just happened. It is so musical and after going through lots of hours placing the 2CE Sig II in my room, wham! the bass got louder and very tight that I have to not use my subs anymore. SO, don't judge the speaker from what you hear unless you're listenning to a properly well broken-in and well placed/positioned Vandersteen.
like mapman, I am an OHM fan, but I am a MAGGIE fan too. I just read about the vandersteen's and would like to own one since I am a speaker fanatic. My opinion is that all three have their strengths and weaknesses but it would be a HARD choice if you were to pick only one. It's sort of like trying to decide between TRIPLETS? Although they are from the same birth, they have their own personalities, and that is how i look at a well designed loudspeaker irregardless of price. I don't really like comparing speakers as to what is better, but rather what suits my taste. what I do not like is making a judgement on a product especially a good one without ever experiencing it. Being an owner of various ohm and magnepans, I do not prefer one over the other but tend to use the ohm's a bit more because of it's more universally adaptable for various applications be it stereo or home theater and not worry about room placements like you would a planar. There is one speaker that should be in this group and that is the ESS HEILs. I have them too and with the right equipment just like the other three, it brings audio nirvana to me and to like minded enthusiasts.
MMG $699
MMG 1.7 2k

Shouldn't you compare it to a like priced speaker? The 1.6/1.7's are incredible speakers. Big jump from the MMG IMO
Its true larger Maggies are more comparable pricewise, but in terms of size, mmg and Walsh 2000 is a fair comparison, if that matters.

Maggies must be placed further away from rear wall in general for best results and that can be a problem for many, especially those wanting to fit larger Maggies into a room.

That was the problem I had with my older Maggies that my larger and more expensive OHM 5s replaced. The Maggies were larger (taller mostly), less expensive yet impossible to place properly and practically in my current room.

I had them in my prior house for years without a problem, so the room and its usage is really a big factor.
Sthomas, I agree we should be comparing in the same price ranges, but the OP asked the question, and therefore some of us provided some input on the matter.

While the three speakers are not priced in the same ballpark(well, Ohm 2000/Vandersteens are close), it is a testament to just how good the MMG's as well as other "budget" speakers really are. I have lived with Ohm's and MMG's for some time now, and they are more similar than not. I can and do live with both of them quite easily.

Enjoy the music! Tim