It seems thay many of us (including myself) have been a little too caught up in personal attacks/defenses of Wilson speakers. What we really need is an honest first hand assesment of WP 7,Max2,X2 vs high end alternative selling for less-much less. So here is my challenge : I will haul my Wilson Benesch Chimeras ( 20k plain,24k as finished in burled walnut) a reasonable distance from my home near Atlanta to hook up to YOUR system in YOUR room to compare to YOUR wp7,max,x2's. Only caveat is my speakers are less efficient (88 db) so have lots of power for fair comparison. Comparison is for: accuracy , musicality, enjoyment,value and anything else YOU want. Just be willing to be HONEST in your assesment. You have MY word that I will admit it on this forum if I am wrong and will bow down to Wilson if they earn my respect in direct comparison to my beloved WB's. I believe that even in a system optimized for Wilsons you will the beauty of a high end less costly alternative. - Jim
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Showing 1 response by larryi

How can any kind of fair and realistic comparison be made under these conditions? How will anyone know if the performance of each contender was optimized, and optimized for whose taste? I

I heard MAXX IIs in several CES/THE SHOW set ups last year. In most of these rooms, they did not sound very good. But, they made a respectable showing in the Audio Research room at THE SHOW. That means they can sound good under some circumstances, but, SURPRISE, they are not good under all conditions.

Likewise, the Watt-7s can sound both good and bad. At CES, the room with Halcro amps, the big DCS stack of digital source components and the Watt-7s was one of the WORST sounding rooms I've heard (the big McIntosh demo has retired the title for WORST sound). Someone above, loved this set up. I am willing to bet the difference is primarily room and set up conditions. So, how can any judgment be made?