OMG. What now?

After all the listening, the buying, the seeking, the reading, the tweaking, the testing, the critiquing, the latest trend, and the old forgotten mend… my system sounds wonderful - to me.

I’m enjoying the music without thinking about this thing, that thing, the worst thing, the next thing, the best thing… another thing. But I just know there’s something better!

That’s it. It’s the ultimate blessing or, dare I say it, the ultimate curse. I’ve reached the end of the audiophile’s dilemma. Or have I? What now? So,

1. I’m not using a preamp between my digital source and my amp. Both are outstanding, so do I really need one?

2. Where’s the best place to sell my used stuff?

3. What’s the most obvious “weak link” that’s holding my system back from a yet undiscovered audiophile music nirvana?

We all here suffer the same neuroses, so any help is appreciated.


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As to your QUESTION, 'Where can I sell Gear" Audiogone handles high-end gear and though some of the people there are ignoranusus, the actual people in charge are respectful and quite helpful. They also handle outright sales and auctions.

Beyond that, I sell (In a LOCAL way) on FaceBook Marketplace and have had excellent luck.

As a manufacturer we keep saying that we are done that is until we hear something that sounds better to our ears.  For example, we were using Audio Note capacitors in our components until we removed them and added chokes to replace them.  Big change maybe but noticeable and an improvement plus they are cheaper than the AN capacitors.


Your weakest link is not having a preamp but by saying that it depends on the flavor of the sound you are looking for and it cannot be just any old preamp either.


Glad you are happy.  You don't need anyone to tell you any different.

Try a free 30 day trial of a Benchmark LA-4 Line amp (preamp) $2599 with remote (Balanced) or an Hp-4 (I think) Benchmark. Same as the LA-4 except $2999 that contains (so they say) one of the best Headphone amps in the business.5 year Warranty made in New York   I personally own the LA-4, will die with it.  Talk to anyone that owns one, they will support my point. Robert TN  I also own a very good DAC, a Meitner MA-1    Good luck  Robert TN

There is always something better in this hobby.  People are more involved listening to their equipment then music itself.  Its the want and try factor, a system can start at 2k, 5k, 10k, 20k, 50k, 100k.  How much difference all depends on everyone personal preference.  I've enjoyed vintage EQ vs. newer equipmemt.