Do not think you need to spend a small fortune to get into vinyl. Sure, I have (probably) $8k+ sunk into my analog front end, I didn't start out that way. My first table was a Music Hall MMF-5, a Hunt brush, and a couple of bottles of Last.
My recommendation (take it for whatever it's worth) is to buy yourself a KAB Technics SL-1200MK5SE, and have KAB recommend and install a cartridge for you. For your first table, IMHO it's the setup / alignment that matters. Plug it into your NAD and enjoy. Simple as that.
If you think you'll get most (or at least some) of your vinyl used, I would also recommend going over to
The Disc Doctor and get a couple of scrub brushes and a small bottle of solution (the solution lasts longer than you'd expect, and by the time it's gone, you'll be into the discussion on the "best" cleaning solutions). Yes, there will be a lot of debate on the "best" way to clean vinyl. Well, while the debate rages on, go find some gently used vinyl, scrub it up, and kick back and listen.
Don't let some of these enthusiasts freak you out by suggesting you *need* to spend a lot of money to enjoy vinyl. It's not that they are wrong (per se) but they are pretty far removed from the perspective of someone who is just starting to get into vinyl. I'm sure many of their systems sound amazing (although some don't have their systems listed as a point of reference to their advice), but everyone has to start somewhere, and if I would have been told that I needed to sink $3k into my first analog setup, I never would have taken the plunge.