What does that have to do with anything?
Well I made it a minute in (almost) and it was seeming to be a religious talk.
So we in Europe have build 27 km long particle accelerator in Cern to prove or refute the existence of Higgs particle.
CERN being established 3 years before Margaret Burbidge and her colleagues come up with the s, r and x processes that explained how the elements in the periodic table are generated, and 63 years before the 17 Oct 2017 LIGO (US, UK, and Au) detected the gravitational waves. Which is ties into the general research of CERN, LANL, LIGO, etc. as a worldwide science research endeavour.
But I digress.
It would be nice if there was a way to catalogue the contributions of the “art” for the audio. Unfortunately I do not believe that this site is overly science focussed and relies on personal testimony, and everyone deciding for themselves what is true and good.It may still get to a nirvana, but maybe not as quickly as a more structured and peer reviewed approach can do.
By the way @nandric what are your other 3 languages?
Cognitive dissonance result in this forum in calling names or strawman construction. in addition blame to write English as ’’second language’’. What an opponents !
If I understand your OP correctly, then do not want to become an opponent. Perhaps a proponent?