On ''what there is''

The question looks ''philosophical'' in the sense of ''what exist?''. In the old terminology ''ontology question''.
The modern formulation (by Quine) is: ''what are the values of your variables''? In our hobby ''what are
the new available components''?  Can one person know what are available components? Obviously not
but we have ''collective knowledge''. Each contribution is welcome. Like in science. But like in science there
are individuals with special contributions. Raul with his MM contributions and his ''successor'' chakster
with his contributions about ''both kinds'': MC's and MM's. Despite his ''modest means''. I think we should
be thankful to have such individuals.
Holmz, My other languages are German, Dutch and Serbo-
Croatian. I also learned Russian as obligatory language
for 6 years at gymnasium. But I rarely used Russian.
The ''ontological commitment'' is entailed in ''existential
quantifier'' The universal is:
''for all x Fx& Gx''
Existential is
''some x ARE Fx& Gx''
In addition to sentence form: ''x is P''  all ''forms'' are expressed
in terms of properties of objects. 
But is ''brother'' some kind of object with certain properties or
relational concept  by  family ''places'' such that  bigger  
families imply more places? Industrial society have ''small
families'' , agricultural ''big families''. In my native Serbia there
are no expressions '' cousin''  and ''nephew''. We are all brothers
and sisters along the ''lines'' of brothers and sisters of our parents.
In Holland  the marriage between  cousin and nephew is allowed
in Serbia not even imaginable between brother and sister.  

I think, I think I am, therefore I am, I think.

That, that exists, exists. That, that does not exist, does not exist.
Does anybody else think "Who's on First" is more entertaining than this stuff?  I mean.... other than me.
Ok, I've been away from reading the board for the last three days.....

What the hell happened?