ONE MINUTE Premium Power Cable Survey

Pssst!  Got a minute?

Share your opinion on premium power cables by taking this one-minute survey.

Results to be shared on this forum a week from now.  Your partisipaion is anonymous.


56 responses as of this morning.

Suprising results so far.  Can't wait to share when we hit the 100 mark.  Or, when the survey fizzles out.  Whichever comes first.

Thanks again for responding.

I have Pangea SE version cables. I don't know if they count as "premium" but I did the survey anyway. Thanks for doing this.

@hilde45 Absolutely!!  Anything that you purchased separately and is of greater value than the standard OEM cable packed in the box is a "premium cable" in my view.

 We're at 71 responses now.  Thanks for participating.


Just a little housekeeping issue:

My plan with Survey Monkey had a limit on the number of responses and survey questions. There were a couple of questions that I thought were very important and I decided to pay the upgrade charge this morning so I could include them.

Early survey responders did not see these questions. Sorry about that. This was not an oversite, but due to the number of responses, I felt it was worth the investment to include these two additional questions. Although early responders will not be able to change their responses, it looks like we’re going to get a nice sampling (40+) of responses to have a good result to share with the group.

I have to say that I am VERY surprised by some of responses so far.

Just a procedural question. How do you keep one person from answering multiple times to mess up your results?