Open Baffle Experience

Much has been said about open baffles, including an epic website by the late, great Dr. Linkwitz but I've only heard them really once, playing absolutely garbage music (thanks Pure Audio!) at a hotel.

I'm talking here about dynamic drivers in single baffles without enclosures, not ESLs or Magneplanar type systems.

I'm curious who has had them, and who kept them or went back to "conventional" boxes?

I'm not really looking to buy speakers, but I did start thinking about this because of a kit over at Madisound made with high quality drivers.




Showing 1 response by dougthebiker

I’ll pile on for GR Research.  I’ve had the NX Oticas and the dual 12” servo subs for about a year and couldn’t be happier.  Incredible soundstage width, depth and height.

Another advantage of OB is efficiency, which allows you to use low wattage tube amps.

But I do have mine about 5’ from the front wall.

 I used to have a full Gryphon system-still have all the cables-and I’d have to say it was mainly better in certain ways, not better overall.