with that cantilever, it has to be bonded. (glued) By definition bonding it means bonded (glued), not nude. There is contradiction here.
1) Nude stylus glued to the cantilever and glued Bonded stylus are two different things.
Nude stylus is one piece of diamond, it can be glued or press-fit to the cantilever (two different methods).
Nude styli, shaped from whole diamonds, are more costly than bonded styli, with their diamond tips “bonded” to metal shanks before finishing. But because of their lower mass, nude styli track more accurately. Also, since nude styli are grain-oriented, with their longest-wearing faces touching the record surface, they last longer.
2) Bonded stylus is something made out of two pieces glued together before attached to the cantilever, bonded stylus is cheap garbage.
In a bonded (or jointed) stylus a diamond tip is glued on a metal shank that is itself glued into the hole of the cantilever. While less expensive to manufacture, this construction may increase the mass of the overall tip and affect transient response compared with a nude stylus where the tip and shank are constructed from a single piece of diamond.