Owning too many speakers

I have multiple sets of speakers that I own and listen to. I have a garage full (my listening space) of Thiel cs3.5, Klipsch Cornwall II's and Heresies, Carver AL-III, Dahlquist dq-10, Allied 2300c, vintage Infinity, B&w, Soundwave pointsource 3.0 - let alone the ones in other systems in the house and what I've sold over the last 12 months - I've bought none of these new (pawnshops, newspaper, garage sales, thrift stores,consignment) I've found every speaker has its own sound/characteristics (image, soundstage, accuracy) and depending on the day i enjoy listening to each. Are there others with this type of speaker interest?
"Are there others with this type of speaker interest?" LOL!!!
Are you kidding??? Welcome to the jungle brother! You are at home here! Most of us here are similarly afflicted. BTW, in answer to the title of your post - you CAN'T own too many speakers!

As for me: Rogers Studio 1a, Quad 12L, ATC SCM20SL, Krix Equinox (2 pair), D.A.S Monitor 8, and various other no name brands...
I own a pair of B&W 802Ds and will purcfhase a pair of Wilson Watt Pupp 7s. I currently have the 802Ds for sale in the classified articles, but I have been considering keeping them since earlier today.

I enjoy the sound of both speakers immensely and like you have found I enjoy their distinct sound characteristics when I'm in different moods. I figure it doesn't matter a whole lot if the surround speakers don't match 100% as long as the 3 front channels in the surround system match extremely well. Perhaps in two years I can have a separate surround system for each pair of speakers.
I have 6 pairs of speakers that I consider relevant at this point, plus some cheapos. All are more or less in use in a separate system/room. I just bought 2 new pairs makes 8 so will need to sell one or 2 sets soon to make room. I too like the variety. 2 pairs are DIY, 2 pairs Totem (Sttaf, Mani-2), 2 pairs Von Schweikert (VR3, VR4-III), and my trusty vintage Infinty Montor IIa. oh, and plus Regas in the home theater.
Sounds like there are a few speaker building and speaker collecting addicts around here. I'm the type that can't stop building speakers. And so the house is full of boxes and crossovers that lay on the floor, outside the cabinet, so I can tweek on them. I'm at the point where I firmly believe that it is impossible to have one speaker that sounds impressive on a wide variety of recorded music. The CDs are, I assume, all mixed differently, and then there is analog. For me, anyway, the big challenge is to find that middle ground where I can be reasonably happy with a wide variety of music. If I were buying speakers instead of building them, I would probably have a garage full also, cause I could never be happy with only one version of sound. And if I were buying speakers I would still play with the crossovers because I'll bet a lot of them could sound better. Anyway, here is my latest nightmare. I finished a pair of speakers a couple of weeks ago and set them up in my basement (first time in the basement) on a $20.00 old Luxman receiver and CD player. After a little playing around with the crossovers, I felt like I had the best sound I have ever had from a pair of DIY speakers, on an old Luzman! Image snapped right to center, soundstage was deep, and I wasn't aware of anything actually coming from the speakers. Pretty happy guy. Then I took the speakers to my upstairs living room, with some equipment I have spent a lot of money on, and the magic disappeared! Well, after 15 years of building speakers, I guess I have finally learned that room acoustics, is the one thing a really good pair of speakers cannot overcome. That basement room is unfinished, with two full walls of pink insulation and a cement floor. So now, I get to choose between becoming a base trap builder, and just moving the equipment into the basement and having permanent frozen feet. Question for you guys......if wanted to sell DIY speakers on audiogon, should I put them in an auction or in the classifieds? I need to sell a pair of monsters, that I can't imagine I will be able to ship, so I guess there is another question. Has anyone shipped any big ones, like maybe 200 lbs and 55 inches tall?

I keep trying to rationalize it to friends who aren't interested in audio gear by asking whether they'd expect someone to play golf with just one club.