Pain in my butt

Late in July I stepped into an 18" deep rabbit hole atop Blackford Hill in Edinburgh. Thought not much of it, as it was a competely axial fall...nothing twisted nor bent! Phew!
Except over the successive weeks I developed acute sciatica from what was confirmed by MRI as a herniated disc at L4-5!
I was up to 8 Percosets/day without sufficient relief to sit nor walk much, and now only after two weeks following an epidural steroid injection am I able to sit at my computer (nevermind my listening chair or my Steinway!) to check in with you guys!
Surgery is out, as there's only a 1/3 success rate, and steroidal epidurals are limited to three, 6 weeks apart. So lighter-weight pain-killers are taking the edge off once they take hold by late morning. Perhaps it's fortunate that my used Subaru biz in the dumps of late, as I can't work much anyway.
So I wish to thank those of you who have asked about my absence and well-being, and hope I can stick around here awhile. Oh yeah...I have to ask a question: How are you all?
Cheers. Ernie
My sympathy and best of luck. I have a similar problem which we have managed successfully for years with care and therapy (and occasional drugs). It can be done although while getting through the crises it may be hard to believe.
Get well soon. I know it sounds hokey but the healing power of positive energy counts for a lot, so stay positive!
Damn Rabbit! Seriously, is it just something that heals on its own? My mom had a ruptured disc years ago and first treatment was lay/lie (?) around for weeks and hope it corrects itself and if that didn't work-which it didn't--surgery. She's fine now though.

I do like rabbits though. There's this loose one that's been living behind my apartment building for 9 months now. Its a female calico lop-eared and must've been someone's pet--obviously not a wild breed. Its really friendly and one night I pull up and the rabbits sitting under the porchlight and 3 feet over one of the stray cats is just sittin there two. And there's about three regular stray cats. I thought they would've have surely done her in-but she's fine. They're hardy little things. I think the other neighbors are feeding too--there's carrots layin around back there. But she eats the weeds too.
Ernie: Hope that you were @ least still able to attend the tea party after the fall.

"One pill makes you better and..."