Parasound JC-1 vs. Pass 250.5

Anyone out there own either & can compare these two highly regarded amps (both in the same relative price range)?
I owned the Pass X-250 and sold in two weeks ago after one year. I don't believe there is that much of difference to the .5. Sounded terrible with my speakers-switched to SET monoblocks-great sound now. The guy I sold it to had a 250 and 350 which he added my 250 to. He was using old Infinity's-the original owners formed Genesis Techology. His set up with the pass units sounded great. I would say you should match your speakers to the amp.
Dealers tell me the .5's are a big improvement over the regular models.Zevbear, what speakers were you referring to in your post?
The .5 version is a significant step up in low level definition, warmth and a liquid midrange.