Pass Labs INT-150 with Power Plant Premier

I just upgraded to the Pass Labs INT-150, which recommends against using an active power conditioner. This amp is currently plugged directly to a wall outlet based on this recommendation.

My entire system in the past, including amps have ran through the PS Audio Power Plant Premier with more than satisfying results.

If anyone can help explain the issue recommending against active power conditioners, I would appreciate it. I have no level of expertise on this type of electrical issue.

04-09-12: Darkkeys
This answer was received from Pass Labs........
Interesting! I had a PPP and found it doesn't work with my tube monos rated @650Va per mono. Theortically it should work ... The PPP would heat up and fan screaming loud. Out of couriousity, I borrowed a 2nd PPP and plug each mono to a PPP and the same heating up / fan result.

I've had many PS Audio products and found PPP their best effort but there are superior alternatives in the market. In general, I found active PC alters the sound and the sound sounds processed. Finally settled on a passive unit with 2 dedicated 20 amp lines that restores the natural tone without any current limiting problems.
I'll leave it plugged in the wall about a couple weeks to acclimate to the sound before trying and comparing the sound plugged into the PS Audio.
The two reasons that Pass Labs recommends plugging directly into the wall are that (1) many power conditioners contain chokes that impede instantaneous current draw, thus hurting the resulting dynamics, and (2) many (all?) Pass amps have their own built in RF noise filtration.

I have had the X600.5 amps for several years and found that the Synergistic Research PowerCell 10SE to improve the sound greatly without hurting dynamics, while the Shunyata V-Ray did dull the sound somewhat. So it is case by case.

Dedicated lines did very little to the sound of my sound. Certainly far less than the Synergistic.
Petrushka, thanks for that helpful info. I am very much enjoying the int-150 in the wall. At some point I may try it in the PPP. I'm in no hurry or even feeling any urge to do so.

I'm really enjoying the music as is...