Pass labs xa25 amp and BW 804 d3?

Can the Pass labs xa25 drive BW 804 d3's?
@almarg Didn't know you'd switched to this amplifier. Are you subbing out with the VAC, or have you switched completely to the XA-25?
@Cal3713, I’ve sold the VAC Renaissance 70/70 MkIII amplifier and I’m using the XA25 exclusively. I decided to purchase the XA25 a few months ago while the VAC was back at the factory for a minor repair, motivated mainly by all of the glowing reviews I’ve seen of the XA25. While also taking into account the sterling reputations of Pass Labs and the dealer from whom I purchased the amp (Reno HiFi) for customer service and support, as well as Pass Labs’ reputation for building products that tend to be reliable and trouble-free over the long-term. Regarding the reviews, I found Teajay’s (Terry London’s) review to be especially accurate in its characterization of the amp’s sonics, at least with my easy to drive Daedalus Ulysses speakers.

Following are some comments about the XA25 that I had occasion to post a few months ago in a thread that was mainly on a different subject:

It comes amazingly close to the VAC with respect to dimensionality, imaging, liquidity, and other traditional fortes of high quality tube amps. It’s a bit less rich sounding than the VAC, but I interpret that as an increase in accuracy, which is fine as far as I am concerned.

There are also some non-sonic factors favoring the XA25, including the likelihood of greater reliability in the years ahead considering the age of the VAC; the fact that even though both amps operate in class A the XA25 puts only 240 watts of heat into the room compared to what I believe is upwards of 700 watts for the VAC; and the cost that would be involved in re-tubing eight 300Bs if and when that were to become necessary.

This is the first time I’ve had a high quality solid state amp in my system in about 25 years, and I believe I’ve picked the right time and the right model with which to do so again.

On another note, happy holidays to you and yours, and all best wishes for 2019!

-- Al
@almarg Thanks al. Always happy to see one of your posts in a thread, and glad you're enjoying the pass.

5 years ago I had an xa30.5 that I loved and have considered using the new model on my coincident PREs (in liu of the 300b Frankenstein's).  I'll have to keep eye out for a used one to try. It's been tough to beat those amps (so far I've tried lyngdorf and atma-sphere) Dealing with pass is also leagues better than my coincident experiences.  

Happy holidays to you too.

- Chris
@cal3713 I also own a Pass Labs XA25 amp, which I received a few weeks ago, and like you, I also own a pair of the wonderful Coincident Frank mkIIs, which I've had for while now.  Being a tube guy, especially SET, I have not been able to live with any SS amps I've heard in the last few years, that is, until I got the XA25. Teajay did nail it with his review of the XA25, and so did the other reviewers.  This is an amp that is voiced with the midrange first, which is also my preference, but nothing is missing from either extremes.  If you can't get the midrange right, forget everything else.  Both amps have a wonderfully holographic soundstage (the Franks may have a slightly deeper soundstage), natural sounding midrange (voices are intoxicating with either), good instrument tonality and timbre.  The XA25 has, as it should, better slam / impact with a deeper, more controlled bass.

Anyways, my personal assessment of the XA25 is that it is the equal of the Franks, though it doesn't sound like SET, it's neither better nor worse, just a bit of a different flavor, very easy to live with, and IMO, certainly a "keeper". I get the emotional connection to my music with either amp, so bottom line, I love them both!
Jeepers, you Pass owners are really PASSionate about your amps.
I have learned a lot from your posts. I did not realize the XA-30 implemented an entirely different topography. But, then I just an Ayre guy...