Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
Thought I might as well update my last post since 2004.

Arcam Alpha 10 integrated -New
Classe CAP-100 integrated -Used
Audio Research D130 -Used
Sonic Frontiers Line 1 + Plinius SA-100MkIII -Used
ARC LS-16 Mk1 + Plinius SA-100MkIII -Used
I started with a Marantz 2270 receiver, a Linn LP12 turntable, a Technics 5 disk carousel player and Ditton 66 Studio monitors. The Dittons were fed with 18 feet of AR 12 gage "wire", and Monster cable interconnects.
KLH Model 11 portable record player
Eico kit amplifier
Dynaco Stereo 120
Harman Kardon Citation 12
Phase Linear 400
Audio Research D76
BRB Systems Model 200
Audio Research VT100 II (since 2002)
Wow I can't believe I just left off where I did! Since last I wrote several years ago I can't really keep track of everything but after the c-j 11a it went something like this:

1. c-j 11a
2. Air Tight ATM1
3. Cary 300B Sig monos
4. KR Audio VT320
5. Graaf GM5050
6. Deja Vu Audio Push-pull EL-34 Custom Amp (Current)

That is my total amp evolution after my c-j. In the interest of time, reader boredom, and writers cramp I'm leaving out preamps amd sources. I hope I can stop here as my system sounds great, but.....
I guess I'll update my list too:

Kenwood Receiver ** long gone **

Phase Linear 400 ** sold **

Parasound HCA 2200 ** sold **

B&K M200 Sonata ** Started with 2, now have 4. ** sweet!
2 of them modded at Musical Concepts

B&K Ref 4420 ** sold **

Bedini 100.100 MkII ** Sold **

Conrad Johnson MF2100 2 of them vertical biamp. ** sold both **

Ayre V3 ** sold **

Electron Kinetics Eagle 2a ** sold **
Electron Kinetics Eagle 2c prime - ** really sweet amp. **
Electron Kinetics Eagle 4 - I have 2 of them - pretty much the same as the Eagle 2C - except the face plate
>> I use the Eagles in my home theater.

TAD 60 - first serious venture into Tubes. Excellent

Manley Stingray - Excellent integrated

Fisher 30a - 2 of them. vintage 15 w/c mono blocks that I bought and refurb'd. Nice little amps - surprisingly nice.