phono stage volume

I have a Halfer DH110 preamp and a Grado X+ cartridge. The volume is much lower than when I am using the CD or Tuner inputs. Does anyone have a suggestion as to fixing this besides buying a new preamp or just turning up the volume?
Buy a new cartridge. It sounds like you are using a cartridge which is too low output for your preamp. Was the cartridge bought new? If so, I would hope your dealer asked you what preamp you are using.

If you do have a preamp for moving magnet cartridges, you will have to get a moving magnet cartridge, or a high output moving coil cartridge. I know the grado high output moving coil cartridges are fine with a moving magnet phono stage.
Phono preamps can require turning up the volume (over other sources). You might try making certain that the interconnects and other cables are tidy and "separated from one another" as much as possible in order to reduce the system's noise level and then see how the phono sounds @ higher volume levels. If it sound good, then don't worry about turning the dial a bit more. It is important to keep the phono cables away from power cords and speaker cable and if they do have to cross one another (can't see why they would though) then have them cross @ a right angle. I am assuming though that the G+ is a MM cartridge with fairly strong output. If it is a low output MC cartridge than, yes, you will need a step up device. sells a Mcintosh stepup device for 300 or so - it is very versatile and will give you what you need to increase gain with variable load capability.
Assuming the Hafler already has a phono stage, just turn up the volume. What you describe is not uncommon.
Cford- As others have noted, just turn up the volume. The volume pot in the Hafler is rather inexpensive, so the higher the volume control position, the less it's in the signal path. I wouldn't recommend a stepup transformer or pre-preamp with your cartridge. If you enjoy the sound and the noise floor is acceptable, then don't worry about the volume control position. Enjoy the music!