Pink Floyd

I see that all/most of Pink Floyds catalog is being re-mastered and scheduled for release later this year. Any news or insights?
The Grateful Dead plodded on and on with a lot of mediocre performances and recordings for the faithful a lot more than Pink Floyd.

Pink Floyd's output is a lot more concise and meaty than the Dead's.

PF was at leat innovative in their day, FBOFW.

The Dead were, well, the Dead, whatever that is/was. I like some of their stuff.

Both were undeniably successful. Neither were probably overrated, at least by the press.

Both still worth occasional listens, but been there, done that for the most part. There is a lot of other new music (to me at least) to discover out there and listen to.
If you never saw the Dead live in concert, you don't know the Dead. Their studio recordings never matched their live performances.
I did see the Dead live once. Was greatly looking forward to it but was quite underwhelmed. It was a free concert at college graduation. Maybe that was part of it.

I also saw Robert Hunter and the New Riders of the Purple sage live back in college. I recall liking those a lot.

I was listening to a pretty decent Dead cover band live at a ruralfair this past weekend. They sounded pretty good and quite Dead-like doing the material they did, but kept thinking there was really nothing special or endearing about the material performed. There were a couple people listening but most were quite disinterested in the content despite the band actually doing a quite decent job.