Pioneer M-22 or Pass Aleph 3?

Anyone have experience with both of theses amps? How do they compare?
Thanks Peter. I was considering the Aleph 3 as a replacement for the M-22 I have but I think I'll keep it! Exploring higher power class A amps and thinking of adding a Luxman M-05 to the collection.

Try a Pioneer M-25 if you want to experiment (just don't sell that M-22 to do it). The M-25 has more punch and edge definition a-n-d gobs of power, less magic but that's ok. And shhhhhhh, about the M-05, one of the world's greatest amplifiers. I'll leave that to a Stereophile article.

Hi Peter,
If you had your choice between an M-05 and a KSA 100, which would you choose?