Please help - system "brightness" problem

I recently purchased a new pair of speakers and stands - Tyler Acoustics Reference Monitors to replace my B&W Matrix 803s in a small listening room. I was looking for a tighter, faster speaker, particularly in the low frequencies.

The system includes Linn Ikemi CD and Plinius 8150, HT Truthlink ICs and Pro 9 cables. I never had a problem with brightness, but the new speakers have made the system very "bright".

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I agree with Z, and Neil. Speakers take a long while to (some way more than others)come into their own. Relax and let those babies run while you're not around, if you can. This will give them time to settle down. Sometimes, the perceived brightness you're hearing, are bold contrasts, that didn't exist before. You'll know after 200 hours what the deal is. Get back to the 'gon after, and let us know what's happening. peace, warren
If after a reasonable "break-in" period your new speakers still sound bright, ditch them and get some different ones.
Neil, Zaikesman, and Warren,
Thanks for your advice. It seems at this point, patience is the key, of which I am often lacking.
The Tyler ref monitors can sound bright, particularly with solid state (which Ty prefers). There is a switch on the back to "step down" the highs which helps a bit. Also try a high quality jumper if you're not biwiring. That will help clear up the highs and they'll sound less hashy. You might also try experiment with positioning and room damping.

Good luck.
Go to
and see if their model can assist with speaker and chair place. I did it and it worked very well.