Please recommend a McIntosh preamp

Hello to all. So, I have been very fortunate to have a buddy who upgraded his amplifier, allowing me to receive his. I now have a McIntosh mc 352. What would be a good match preamp to this amp when I have saved all my nickels? Do I look for a model in the same era as the amp, or look into a newer McIntosh preamp? Thankx, Arthur

In the past I owned a MC352 which is a great amp. I used with a C42 preamp with excellent sonic results. Don't think you can go wrong with this pairing. I now run MC501 monos with a C50 preamp. It sounds different but only slightly better than the first combo. My advice would be save your coins go with the C42.
It seems like McIntosh is a universe all its own. They've been around forever and have a seemingly endless number of models to choose from. I've recently purchased a new C22 reissue preamp, mainly for phono duties (and tone controls) as it goes into my BAT int amp. I love the sound. Good luck with your hunt!
When I had a MC352, I had it paired with a C2300. I like the sound of a tube preamp with all the power of a SS amp.
+1, @mcgal 

I did find the tube / SS combo bit more 3 dimensional and rich in harmonics. My setup included C2500 with MC601’s.