Greeting jafant! Yes on the move to Alaska, great being back “home”. As for the spinners: I did have the Primare CD32, sold it and FedEx promptly lost it. Long story short: I handed it to the FedEx driver in front of the FedEx store in Portland OR about a week before I left on my move here. The driver failed to scan it as well as anyone else... my claim for loss was denied as FedEx stated: ”We are sorry to deny your claim as we have no record of receiving your property “. Still fighting them in this. Anyway, I have since purchased a Rega Apollo 35th Anniversary player #171, and had a Cambridge Audio azur 752bd (and a CA azur 651bd) for backups.
And of course, I’m always looking at different things. Probably keeping the Rega though as it is in superb condition.
keep in touch jafant. Pleasure hearing from you.
And of course, I’m always looking at different things. Probably keeping the Rega though as it is in superb condition.
keep in touch jafant. Pleasure hearing from you.