plexi cover swirl remover

Can scratches and swirls be removed from a plexi cover? I am hoping there is a product that can improve old, mistreated covers.

Showing 1 response by markd51

As mentioned, Novus makes products for this, and so does folks like Mequiars, which is commonly found in good auto parts stores.

Other products that can be used with very good success, are clear coat compatible liquid rubbing compound, and clear coat hand/machine Glazes. Finish with a good wax, or Zaino works wonderfully for a sealer-finish gloass.

If the dust covers have any seams, typical to covers like VPI, and perhaps Ginko, stay away from the seams-edges with any of the above mentioned products! It will seep into the seams, dry, and turn white, and you'll never get it out. Mark