With your opinion you will educate us on what he Trump did to be called a traitor ?
Uhhh....................how about a very blatant, visible, attempted coup to steal the election and thwart the will of We, The People because his ego is so incredibly fragile his tiny mind absolutely cannot countenance even the THOUGHT of losing? Something never before attempted in the history of the USA, btw. Are you seriously asking the question now, after the mountain evidence that has been dropped on your head? Firsthand testimony - not by liberal democrats, or Nancy Pelosi, or Bernie Sanders or AOC - but by right wing members of his OWN administration? Even that crackpot Eastman admitted he knew it was illegal. If Michael Luttig's testimony didn't open your eyes, you're hopeless. All due respect.
That said..............
I can't believe Gil-Scot Heron hasn't been mentioned.