1) I will admit they use it ONCE. It is not in the US trademark registry, so I’m unsure that it is still officially registered.- Don’t need to register a trademark technically, but whether you admit it or not, you would be wrong:
2) One of the patents still covers the original concept. Patents can expire. The series mode surge technology patent states, "Provides an inductor system as the first means of protection." Furman’s SMP uses a MOV as the first means of protection.
Nope, that is not how patents work. The original patents, which is the basis for what SurgeX called series mode, were filed in the 80s. You cannot protect anything that was in those original patents.
Putting a MOV in front of the inductor does not negate the use of the same technology after the MOV. It is an improvement, not a limitation.
3A) Through the use of capacitors and resistors, a series mode product releases current back to the neutral wire. This actually provides a sort of passive power factor correction. Depending on the power conditions and the load, greater power could be provided. Plus, no one said you have to plug an amplifier into it.
Incorrect. The capacitor bleeds power via a large value resistor. This will provide no effective change on the power factor, good or bad. It will not increase the power available in any effective way.
I didn’t say it had to be plugged into an amplifier, but I was noting that the technology has application issues.
3B) "Power line surges within a building may be as large as 6,000 Volts, 3,000 Amperes, with a duration of 50 microseconds, according to the industry standard ANSI C62.41."
"•IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) states that 6000V is the largest transient that the interior of a building would experience.
No, that is not what ANSI C62.41.1 says. It is mainly a discussion around the data, much of it poor, and potential probabilities. The 1.2/50us voltage, 8/20us current combination wave was from a previous spec, but was found to be reasonable.
The 6KV was arrived at by a combination of some data showing 4kv strikes at a maximum rate of 0.1/year in some indoor installation, and a typical arc-over AC wiring of 6KV, hence providing a natural spark-gap protection.
By interior of the building, they mean some distance from the service panel, and the 6KV/3KA is really industrial, with residential defined in C62.41 much lower ... the reality is, hits much greater than 2KV/1KA are quite rare residential, but if you get a local lighting hit, you can get hit with more than 6KV/3KA.
•IEEE defines its harshest interior surge environment as one that could experience 100 surges of 6000V, 3000A in a years time (category B3).
•A new federal guideline recommends that a surge protector utilized in a harsh environment should be capable of withstanding 1000 surges of 6000V, 3000A or ten years worth of IEEE’s category B3.
No, the IEEE documents most definitely do not say that. They actually discuss high incidences of B3 ringwaves, 6KV/500A, 100KHz, which are induced by motor starting, large breakers turned on, etc. in heavy industrial and large commercial settings, never in a residential application like home audio / video.
•UL (Underwriters Laboratories) now provides a new adjunct testing service (in addition to the 1449 safety classification) that will test surge protectors to the 1000 surge, 6000V, 3000A federal protocol."
Looking at the most recent 1449 ... nothing in there about that. That said, you can always get UL or anyone else to do a test like this.
Real series mode surge protectors are the only devices rated with the A-1-1 certification.
"A-1-1 Certification
The U.S. Government’s highest classification for surge suppression."
"•Grade A is the best endurance – 1,000 surges of 6,000 Volts / 3,000 Amps with no degradation.
•Class 1 specifies the best voltage suppression of 330 Volts peak for 6,000 Volts / 3,000 Amps surges.
If you are just going to cut and paste from SurgeX literature, what is the point?
The Grade A-1-1 was from a US Government procurement document that was withdrawn over 15 years ago! The only one who puts that into their literature is SurgeX.
For the record, a 50KA MOV, which in terms of audiophile equipment is not very expensive, will withstand 1000+ 6KV/3KA hits.
•Mode 1 is Line to Neutral (L-N) suppression. This avoids ground wire contamination and is recommended for interconnected equipment."
Ya, no. Recommended by SurgeX maybe because they cannot protect Line/Neutral to ground, and considering most would be plugged into the same power bar/surge protector this makes not sense. Line/Neutral to Ground surges can be very damaging. A big common mode surge on Line/Neutral causes a rise of the potential of all the electronics in the chassis, then you get a spark from the electronics to the grounded metal ... and poof ...
Adding a sacrificial MOV is superfluous to real series mode surge technology. Furman only added them to make up for the tiny inductor used in their SMP circuit, which makes it a design flaw.
Their inductor is actually fairly substantial, and the winding are heavy. Unless you can compare the two inductors for value and saturation current, your comment is at best a guess.
4) Why would I apologize? Furman still lost, and your argument is a red herring. Furman’s SMP is not real Series Mode® surge technology. From your earlier referenced material:
No, they didn’t "lose". They settled, and remember both were suing each other. No details of whatever agreement they arrived at were ever discussed. Furman likely changed the name to avoid wasting money on lawyers fees with little benefit. The total value of SurgeX was $2.5 mill when sold in 2006.
He also recognized that the act of shunting the surge to ground pollutes the ground with energy that often enters the sound or video system. This was causing equipment disruption, malfunctions, error-codes, reboots, and downtime that degraded performance and increased dealer costs.
The MOV does not even engage till well over the line voltage, it would not shunt anything, and you could shunt to ground with a GDT (which all of Europe does) and solve this issue if you were truly concerned.. The simple reality is this technology cannot be used on L/N to ground coupling modes because it would violate leakage current requirements (and be very expensive).