Don’t spend more than a max of $150 on any AVR power cord.
ARCAM and CAMBRIDGE make some of the best available AVRs out there but that won’t exclude them from a common deficiency.
(I had ’em in a prior rig...)
As highlighted in my other power cord post reply, because virtually all AVRs lack a high end build quality power supply, (low end Chi-fi components only that are built to the lowest price point available) , resist the temptation to overspend on a power cord as a noble illusion to a further dramatic performance step-up is wasted money with no further improvement to the the $150-ish choices.
Buy used if want a brand name,
with AVRs it’s generally a "just pick one" after-market exercise with no differences in performance other than they all represent a big step up from the junk stock power cord that comes with the kit.
Hell..... even a DIY power cable with solid build cable and connectors ( inter Alia, OYAIDE, FURUTECH, LFD, ) will do nicely.