Power cable for Arcam AVR400

Wondering what recommendations people might have for a power cable for this Arcam AVR.  Somewhat complicated task, supplying both digital and power needs when operating in 5.1.  I also use for two channel (~70% of time) with external DAC and shut down all digital circuits for this application, so then functioning as medium power 2 channel integrated.

Receiver rated at 90 watts into 7 channels and 100+ into 2 channels.  I am currently using Shunyata Diamondback, which is a decent power cable for general use, plugged directly into hospital grade wall outlet with dedicated 20 amp supply line.  Nothing broken, just on quest to make it better than if possible.  Would spend up to ~$500 for cable.  Input based on your direct experience with AVRs appreciated.

Ag insider logo xs@2xknownothing
Hi knownothing,

I have tried several "inexpensive" power cords with my Onkyo 885 (Integra 9.8) processor and had the best luck with the old SR A/C Master Coupler, X-series (active shielding) and X2 (better active shielding), the latter being the best. All are a great value used and can be bought from $150 - $300.

Even the non-active A/C Master Coupler (~$150 used) does a good job of improving sound and video quality and can pass more than enough current for your AVR.

Best to you knownothing,
Hmmm, I guess I should clarify my question. Given that an AVR is both a digital processor and an amplifier, have users had more luck with a cord designed for digital use or current delivery?  Any insights based on experience helpful.
Don’t spend more than a max of $150 on any AVR power cord.

ARCAM and CAMBRIDGE make some of the best available AVRs out there but that won’t exclude them from a common deficiency.
(I had ’em in a prior rig...)

As highlighted in my other power cord post reply, because virtually all AVRs lack a high end build quality power supply, (low end Chi-fi components only that are built to the lowest price point available) , resist the temptation to overspend on a power cord as a noble illusion to a further dramatic performance step-up .....it is wasted money with no further improvement to the the $150-ish choices.

Buy used if want a brand name,

with AVRs it’s generally a "just pick one" after-market exercise with no differences in performance other than they all represent a big step up from the junk stock power cord that comes with the kit.

Hell..... even a DIY power cable with solid build cable and connectors ( inter Alia, OYAIDE, FURUTECH, LFD, ) will do nicely.
I would stop my search for a power cable at the Shunyata Diamondback. I think you are limited with the improvements that a better power cable can do with the AVR400. I think you will get more bang for the buck with an improved HT amp or pre-pro. I like the sound of Arcam but I have had many problems with their digital products.