Power cord

Looking at spending around $1500 2 m audioquest or Nordost


Assuming you have the sound quality you want and do not want the tonal balance changed at all, I recommend a used AudioQuest Hurricane. High level Nordost are great … but at this intermediate level (for Nordodt), I would recommend the AudioQuest. This might be out of your budget… but 2meters sound better than 1 meter power cords. I use Transparent power cords on all my components except for my power amp… that is a Hurricane. I cannot recommend it enough. I would have gone with a high current Transparent but it was several times the price.

@audphile1 is absolutely correct.

Don’t buy any power cords you haven’t auditioned in your system!

Just because a set of cords sounds good in someone else’s system doesn’t mean it’s going to sound good in yours.