I bought a used A21 but I don't think I got the stock cord with it. I went with a VH Flavor 4 with Furutech Gold terminations and am very pleased with it. It was ~$150.00 used.
After reading about the Pangea AC-9 cords I tried one and it did not work in my setup. It was used and well broken in plus I left it in my system for a couple of days so I feel my impressions were accurate. My notes on what I heard were:
Bass deep almost distorted not natural
Sounded like a towel was over the speakers
Not as deep a sound stage
Less separation between instruments
I put the Flavor 4 back in and I won't be changing it. As with everything YMMV.
After reading about the Pangea AC-9 cords I tried one and it did not work in my setup. It was used and well broken in plus I left it in my system for a couple of days so I feel my impressions were accurate. My notes on what I heard were:
Bass deep almost distorted not natural
Sounded like a towel was over the speakers
Not as deep a sound stage
Less separation between instruments
I put the Flavor 4 back in and I won't be changing it. As with everything YMMV.