Power Cord on Parasound A21

Hi all,

I am waiting for a Parasound A21 to arrive via Fed Ex. My question is this. How is the power cord that comes with it and if you upgraded what worked well?

I am currently eyeballing the pangea cords.

Hi, the stockcord is good, only after upgrading from the the stock to the Ps audio AC-3 for a temporary lay over till something better after purchasing the amp, I then sprang for the Statement Sc which was a better performance over the AC-3 mabe because of better copper and its 8 awg construction, however I recently purchased an AC-10 which really made the A21 shine with depth I would nt have thought it had.I now have my eye set on the AC-12 which I have heard is even better than the AC-10.keep me posted on what you choose I must admit I'm a little curious about the results!
I bought a used A21 but I don't think I got the stock cord with it. I went with a VH Flavor 4 with Furutech Gold terminations and am very pleased with it. It was ~$150.00 used.

After reading about the Pangea AC-9 cords I tried one and it did not work in my setup. It was used and well broken in plus I left it in my system for a couple of days so I feel my impressions were accurate. My notes on what I heard were:

Bass deep almost distorted not natural
Sounded like a towel was over the speakers
Not as deep a sound stage
Less separation between instruments

I put the Flavor 4 back in and I won't be changing it. As with everything YMMV.
Well so much for curiosity about Pangea LOL! I was going the Flavor 4 route but decided to give Ps Audio one more try with the AC-10 and my jaw hit the floor, It literally and not kidding here reconfigured the sound stage and placement of instruments in space and gets loud with out losing the integrity of the sound stage on large scale passages very very balanced sounding PC!
If I were you, I'd revive my curiosity about the Pangea AC-9. I heard none of the effects noted above and when compared with a Cardas Golden PC, the Pangea held its own and then some. This is certainly system-related to some extent, of course, but you can safely try a Pangea with the 30-day return policy from Audio Advisor. I did, and now have 9 of them. Dave
I had the same disappointing Pangea result with my MF & Accuphase amp's. The pangea AC-9 was lifeless and performed worse than the stock cord. When I used a friends Harmonic Technology cord, it was night and day from the first second, of course the HT cord is pricey. I have since purchased a Synergistic Research active cord which also blew away the Pangea. My Pangea had about 200hrs and used on the TV.

I would look on audiogon for a Harmonic Tech. powercord.