Preamp choices:Short list

Ok so I want to transition to a truly balanced system. My current components are single ended only. I have 3 choices of pre's: BAT vk-42SE, BAT vk-23SE or Rogue RP-7. Are there any clear front runners? (Note the 42SE is older, carries risk of servicing?). Thanks
Nearly all components have massive transformers mounted way over on one side in order to keep them away from sensitive circuits. Because of this its very hard to find anything that is truly balanced. A simpler solution is to just move the springs around to where it sits level.
I had a Rogue RP 5 and it is the single ended version of your preamp., plus a phono stage.  I found it to be very good sounding.
@russ69 , I currently have a 20 ft RCA and get noise. I'd like to get to a fully balanced system. My DAC and mu phonostage are balanced as well