Barbara, good to see a woman joining our ranks, especially one that loves vinyl. I expect that you'll start seeing some marriage proposals via email sometime soon : )
I would think that an ARC preamp would work well in your system. As to a specific model, i'll have to bow to the Audio Research / Tube experts on this one. I'm sure that someone else that is more familiar with their product line could single one out that would be a good match for your specific amp / speaker combo.
As to cartridges, what aspects of the Audio Technica would you be looking to improve upon ? So that I and others know where you are coming from, how would you describe the sonic characteristics of the AT and what do you find "wrong" with it ? Sean
I would think that an ARC preamp would work well in your system. As to a specific model, i'll have to bow to the Audio Research / Tube experts on this one. I'm sure that someone else that is more familiar with their product line could single one out that would be a good match for your specific amp / speaker combo.
As to cartridges, what aspects of the Audio Technica would you be looking to improve upon ? So that I and others know where you are coming from, how would you describe the sonic characteristics of the AT and what do you find "wrong" with it ? Sean