Preamp under $2,000.

Looking for a preamp under $2k. Found a great deal on a Rotel RC-1590 open box for $1,199. Anyone with experience with them? 
I had 2 older Rotel RC 1070s one of them developed some kind of difficulty and I cant remember what but somebody still took it off my hands.  The other one I sold to a friend and its still going strong.  Super bang for buck combination of RC1070 and Rb951. 

have a Musical Fidelity M6 phono stage
Then you could look at a Rogue RP-1 even though it still has a phono stage. Then use the extra cash to fit some nice matched tubes.  I saw a couple on USAudiomart but they gets snapped up fast as they are also buck bang items.

Does anyone know anything about the Musical Fidelity M6 PRE preamp?
I found one for $1,500. I have an M6 phono preamp that is fantastic. It seems to get good reviews.
Now looking over $2K a little. Found an AR LS17SE. I am between it and A Rogue RP5. The AR is older but in good shape. Both tube. Does one stand above the other??
If you don’t need a lot of bells an whistles, nothing at this price can touch the Linear Tube Audio MZ2. Nothing!
Check the gain on LTA. Could not get it past ten o’clock in my system. Sounds good though.