Preamp with separate volume control for each channel?

Thought I should ask you knowledgable folks for thoughts and recommendations.  Recently had my vintage Music Reference RM-9 repaired after losing the left channel.  Now it produces output, but at a considerably reduced level:  Left side volume at 9, for instance, while right side has to be about 5 to match output. 

  I'm using an old Promitheus Transformer Based preamp to make things work; tried a different passive with a single volume control and it just didn't work. 

   I had some issue with the repair shop regarding the amp and am reluctant to take it back to them.   

Thanks for any input.



I have no clue if this idea works for you, but check out the Emotiva PT1 or PT2. Either one will give you a decent DAC, preamp, and pretty darned good balance control that can be set via the remote control for pretty accurate settings of channel balance. Neither are super cheap but for what they bring to the table are quite reasonable in cost and in performance. I love mine and If I ever need a second one, I won't hesitate to go that way.

Um, it would seem like your amp was not repaired? It should be working properly. I don’t understand why people are suggesting solutions to remedy a problem that any half decent tech should be able to fix? 

Send it back, and have them fix it properly.

I have a Vacuum Tube Audio, aka tubes4hifi, SP 14 line stage. There are options when you order one, but mine has remote control volume, a master volume control, and separate trim pots for left and right channels. I like the sound a lot. It also has two outlets so biamping is easy. Highly recommended. I ordered mine with os Sylvania tubes.