Preamps. Do we really need them?

I've been shopping for a new preamp lately, reading the forums, etc. If I have only one source, a DAC into which all my digital components feed into, do I really need a preamp and not just a volume control. After all, that's all I really need from a preamp. I've heard about passive rigs that just control volume, or attenuate it. I understand that you lose some volume if, the source's output isn't enough to drive the amp staight. I'm willing to make that sacrifice.
Technically no; however, musically maybe. Some preamps, especially active ones add a sense of body and PRAT to the music that doesn't come from a direct connection to an amp.
You would need to try your your system. Two of the best systems at this site are at odds. Both use tube amps, one system has active pre..the other is a passive setup. Which is right and which is wrong? Opinions, opinions, opinions.

Yep. I agree with the above. Passives give me a thin sound, totally lacking in body and especially dynamic range.
If you're willing to try a cheap experiment buy the Luminous Audio AXIOM passive pre for $125. It has only one set of inputs and one set of outputs. The Antique Soundlabs T1 DT I have sounded a bit muddy in comparison.

Tim will ask you to supply him with the output voltage and output impedance of your DAC or other source and the input impedance of your amp in order to configure a unit which will have the least matching problems.

An experiment like this will help you determine whether you need any preamp at all. Me? I prefer having a tube preamp because of what it adds.

Good luck!