Preamps w/ built in Tuners

I am looking for a preamp/tuner combination but have not been able to find many models out there. Anyone know a who all make such a product?
I have an Odyssey Stratus Amp and Paradigm Studio 100 v2 speakers.
Linn Wakonda with Kudos tuner module. One of the best tuners out there, and the Wakonda is outstanding as well.
I haven't heard it...Revox has an "all in one"...
Adcom makes one, I believe Parasound does as well. I used to own the Adcom GTP 450, not a bad unit.
Good Luck.
B&K, Rotel, Audiosource do also. Buy why? Do you have space issues? If not, you are better off with separates.
The Hafler 945 is a good deal and the tuner is very good!
Hard to find but if you do, consider ~$400 a good asking price.