Premature gear defenestrations

I'm wondering if anyone has stories of episodes when you upgraded gear only to realize that tubes or some other smaller change would scratched that itch?

These fora are chock full of comparisons between various kinds of gear -- often involving tubes or other important parts of the chain. Too often, the comparisons are apples-to-oranges because too many variables are in play.

But we sometimes neglects those variables, ourselves.

So...can you think of a time you sold a piece of gear only to realize later that you should have tried different tubes or better cables, etc.? In other words, times you didn't quite do due diligence and made a change too quickly? What happened?
Not for me. I always make component upgrades that I have throughly research of the 2x to 3x cost and the change has always been significant and generally exceeded my expectations. You don’t get that profound changes from tweaks this way.

Having said that, I always upgrade my system from one plateau to another, one component at a time until I reach the new level where all components are of similar performance. Then I tweak the interconnects, then power cords, then vibration control. Some of these changes have been profound… but this way I am getting the most out of the components I have. This method, generally prevents the situation from happening.
To share a clip, click "Share" and select the time you wish the video to start. Like this. That is some movie you got there. Why am I not the least surprised this is the sort of thing that would leap to mind instead of audio?
Good sound is largely a very subjective thing and you can make educated choices but often you can’t know for sure what will float your boat or  not until you try it. So mistakes can easily happen. Especially when mixing and matching components.