ProAC 2.5 users please share experience on amp

Sorry I have to start a new thread again about right amplifer for the proAC response 2.5. I am searching a good match for it. Please share your experience on this. I am using Cary SLI-80 sig currently. Sound is beautiful but think there maybe lots of space for further improvment. Based on my researh here:

SS: Plinius 9200

Audio Research (VT100+ LS7)or VT50+ LS7
C-J premier 11a or 12

Pretube/SS Power:
Blue circle BC21/BC22(or BAT 200)

anymore input? I listen to classic and some jazz.
the budget is below ~$2500. room size: 16x13x9 . I prefer to tube sound~

Thanks in advance~`

Please listen to me. It might be a bit over your budget ($3500-4000 used) but the Cary 805C amp is magical with the Proac 2.5! You won't regret it!

Good luck!
Both the 1SC and Tabs are rather hard and glarey sounding and I could not spend 10 minutes with them. Not so the 2.5s which are musical and don't even sound like from the same family or even city. Another great ProAc that made music and not etch is the Resonse 2S but maybe they are just a bit too beautiful sounding.
It is my understanding that the various ProAc Response speakers were originally voiced using an Audio Research VT100 Amplifier. At least that is what has been written in various audio forums. When I owned the ProAc 3.8's I had very good luck with Musical Fidelity M3 Super Integrated Amplifier, but the 3.8's were a much more difficult load than what the 2.5's present. I would contact the US distributor, I spoke with him years ago and he was a decent guy, who I believe is in Baltimore. He may have some great suggestions about what amplifiers others are using.
Drew, I've heard the same thing about the association between ProAc and ARC. They even shared the same room at the 2003 CES Show in Alexis Park when ProAc was showing the then new D80 speaker.
Thanks all for the inputs. Hi, Dean, do you think SS + Tube Pre is a good match for proAC 2.5 ?? this option could mostly likly be done within my budget. But now, it seemd that everyone agree with that ARC is good match~~ ...

Any more comments, discussion~
