Problems with Innuos Music Library missing covers

I have been operating my Innuos Zen mk ii into the Ayre Codex through a USB hub. I have slowly been cleaning up the large library file by associating cover art where it is missing, but for the last 2 days it cannot find any covers. Has anyone had this recent problem?
@oldears ,
Sorry to hear you still have issues. I had a similar issue with an Aurender unit and had to send it back for a replacement drive.
Hopefully, yours won't require it to be sent back.
Innuos is usually pretty good at responding, but sometimes things get missed. I would send another message.
The remote session did not fix my problem. It appears that the part of the upgrade disabling the IPv6 is causing a problem and it will have to be sent for repair.
A second remote session has me running again. The problem may have been a faulty library in a previous update.
That is great to hear.
I know that this can be frustrating, but you have to remember that so much of this is new. Add to that, Innous has to create a software that has to work with non related software.
Frankly, I don't know how Bluesound manages to get things working while integrating as many streaming apps that they offer.