
I just moved, and despite packing all my own gear, I have no idea how rough the movers were with it. Since arriving, some issue have cropped up:
1). Using the Frankenstein monoblock amps, after about 20-30 minutes of use, a loud crackling emits from the right speaker. This comes and goes intermittently, and won't stop until everything is powered down. I switched up outlets, and it remains the same. Checked all the connections- all seem secure. Suppose I should swap out the IC's and see if the noise comes from the other side or the same side, right?
2). I tried using the MastersounD amp. After about 10 minutes, the left channel starts cutting in and out. Switched IC inputs, and the problem stays on same side.
3). I excluded the EAR preamp from the circuit, using the MastersounD as an integrated amp. Left side still cuts in and out.
4). The only common denominator here is using the Ayon CD5 as a source. Have a hard time believing there's a bad tube in there- there are less than 1000 hours on those tubes.

I have a hard time believing there are problems in more than one component. That would be very unusual.

Any thoughts or suggestions to try and narrow this down? I do have a turntable I could use as the source and see what happens as well.

Very frustrated.....
AFC's experience in moving the 'rig' is not uncommon. Almost all commercial movers have no real experience in moving hi end systems. Few owners even get 'full coverage' insurance since it is very expensive. I have a local move that will be made next year. So, I called in a audio/video specialist firm to get an estimate on what they wanted to do a move, including full insurance, disconnect and reconnect services so I would not have to do anything. Three rooms of hi end stuff will be involved. Well, the $28K price tag gave me an appreciation of what was needed. About $100K of gear is involved. Hi end is not cheap!
As previous posters mention, rougher than you can ever think of or imagine.
I had one experience and was wondering how my equipment still worked after such a trip!
Any shipping company UPS, FedEx or USPS woud do it much more gentle as a matter of fact.
Letting someone else move your gears is just plain dumb, what were you thinking?
What was I thinking? Hmmm, let's see....I have to put two dogs and my wife in the car with me....there's about 12 cubic feet of trunk's a 900 mile drive.....yeah, I should have stuffed all the gear that when boxed up occupies an 8x10 closet into my car...never mind the other 25000 POUNDS (that is not a typo) that United packed and moved (you pay by the pound), PLUS had to put the wife's car on a second truck....yeah, I should have moved it myself!?!?!?! COME ON! I had no choice here. And I DID take out full insurance. I packed it all myself to try and limit any issues, but they may have done a few toss and heave manuevers. Had to remove both control knobs from the 845 and remount them, because they had been pushed into the front panel.

Anyways....tried the TT and it worked fine with the 845 (will leave out MastersounD- that's how it's written). Switched up to the CD5, and now it works fine. No channel cutting out. All I did was switch the signal tubes on the 845 to the opposite socket. Maybe one tube was loose? Who stinking knows. Now, I have to try the Coincidents and see if the buzz is gone. I don't know, I'm starting to think the outlet power source is incredibly dirty or something. Either that or the new place is haunted. Lots of bangs and bumps in the middle of the night. LOL. Very odd at any rate. The buzz returns with the Franks, I'll just swap out all the tubes and see what happens. Thanks for the help, everyone. And yeah, I should have moved it myself, but it was literally impossible to do so. Too much gear, well over 750 pounds of stuff, of which maybe one box fits in my trunk....

Tpreaves....damn sharp guess. Right on the mark, but has nothing to do with how the company prints the name on their products.