PS Perfect wave power cord

What are your thoughts about this perfect wave series of power cables?

Have you mixed 'em up with other cables that seem avoid that compunding effect?

I have some shunyatas thrown in...nothing high end tho, the $200 cord, I can't rememeber what it called...
I recently switched my AC-10 to my Quintet and put my Statement Sc on my amp and find it nice. sources use all AC-3's this setup provides the best overall performance but I do miss the added weight on the amp from the AC-10.The plan is to get an AC-12 for the amp or Quintet but for now I'm pleased.
Sorry, needed to clarify that I meant the weight of the overall sound of the music, image and bass and soundstage with the AC-10 on the physical weight the Statement is heavier but not by much. Hope this is what you meant if not disregaurd!
I wanted to add my experience. You can see in my 1st post that I was not high on the PS Audio AC-12. I never sold them, so 2 weeks ago I pulled them out and put them back where I had tried them before and let the system play with the amp off for a few weeks. I then turned the amp on waited till I got home from work and said well let's see if I still don't like the AC-12, well to say I was pleased was beyond my reaction, I was amazed and how good these same cables that I tried and gave up on sound. Open, transparent, good weight and body, and the bottom end shook my room now with deep tight bass, and upper mid-bass was now there. I've owned power cords that cost 2-4 times more and if I heard the PS-12 fully burned in, I would never have dropped more money on a power cord, these are that good, the others have a "different sound" in sound areas but none, I mean none better. This included Audioquest Tornado and Hurricane, Nordost Frye, and Wireworld Platinum.