"Quads are a pain in the ass and have a very small sweetspot..."
Have owned a pair of 2905s for two and a half years plus and its certainly news to me that the Quads have a small sweet spot!! On the contrary, the Quads, IMHO have one of the largest soundstages which stretches floor to ceiling and wall to wall. There is no narrow sweet zone or spot. I owned a pair of ML Odysseys and now they really had a small sweet spot eg the sound changed fairly dramatically if you stood up from your listening chair etc
If you want to capture the holographic sound stage of an ESL and yet overcome some obvious shortcomings of this genre, quite a few of the higher priced speakers come pretty close with a superior bottom end. The 3 or 4 speakers that would be on my priority : Revel Ultima Salon 2, B&W 802D, Wilson Sophia2 and the Rockport Mira. Of these I have heard the Rockport and the B&W and heard the the higher priced Wilsons. They are all outstanding speakers and the final choice would depend on what makes sense to your ears, room and the partnering gear.
Best of luck
"Quads are a pain in the ass and have a very small sweetspot..."
Have owned a pair of 2905s for two and a half years plus and its certainly news to me that the Quads have a small sweet spot!! On the contrary, the Quads, IMHO have one of the largest soundstages which stretches floor to ceiling and wall to wall. There is no narrow sweet zone or spot. I owned a pair of ML Odysseys and now they really had a small sweet spot eg the sound changed fairly dramatically if you stood up from your listening chair etc
If you want to capture the holographic sound stage of an ESL and yet overcome some obvious shortcomings of this genre, quite a few of the higher priced speakers come pretty close with a superior bottom end. The 3 or 4 speakers that would be on my priority : Revel Ultima Salon 2, B&W 802D, Wilson Sophia2 and the Rockport Mira. Of these I have heard the Rockport and the B&W and heard the the higher priced Wilsons. They are all outstanding speakers and the final choice would depend on what makes sense to your ears, room and the partnering gear.
Best of luck