Qualio IQ owners, still happy?

I'd like to hear from current or former owners of these speakers. Also anyone who has had an audition of them. What do you think? These are on my radar.




@ozzy62 thanks for sharing the feedback. Would you say the midrange is relatively thinner compared to your Parsifals? When I heard the Qualio speakers at my friend's place I felt the midrange (lower midbass area to be more precise) was just a tad bit more anemic than other speakers I've heard. It very well could be his amplification or room though.

I don't find the midrange of the Qualio anemic or lacking at all. In fact, it has more texture than a lot of speakers, which makes them sound more real. The Parsifals have a smoother midrange and I guess some listeners would prefer that.

Thanks, @ozzy62 I have a suspicion it's my friend's amp or room acoustics then. Qualio remains high on my list of speakers I would like to own. Really love how the Qualio Ultras look but not sure if they're worth the $5k premium. Will keep an eye on the used market.

I got my speakers last weekend- regular IQ with Gaia II feet as per the recommendation of @ozzy62  They arrived 2 days after another set of speakers came in (Omega Junior XRS). The Omegas moved to another system and the IQs are running against/with Klipsch RP 8000F II.

The system is mainly Eversolo DMP A6 (standard) streamer - Topping D70 Pro Octo (DAC)- Vincent SV200 (Amp). Sometimes I replace the Vincent with the Gato Amp 150AE.

Overall impressions of the IQ: mine and a few other friends who have come over to listen to them: fill the room, very clear on vocals, pleasure to listen to. The crispness (or is it crispiness - is that for food?) of the sound and the vocals is just awesome. Really enjoying. They come very well packaged. 2 wooden cabinets (cupboards would be more apt)- 60kg each. Everything has its place including the Gaia feet. Takes a bit of effort to open the cabinets and assemble them- however worth it.

Comparison to the Klipsch

The Klipsch give them a run for their money. IQ wins but just about. More on the vocals. Klipsch better on the bass. Basically if it is a vocal focused song then IQ otherwise the Klipsch.

Love both of them. I am in a happy and more importantly after a long long time- a satisfied place. Satisfied enough that Dubai has its first large high end Hi-Fi show happening and I am not attending. 

Didn't compare them to the Omega's. Will try over the next few weeks. On a lark also bought Rethm Bhaava's - that are on the way from Chennai, India. Would love to comparison all four.